Use "gabbro|gabbros" in a sentence

1. Bytownite is also only found in gabbros, whereas labradorite is found in gabbros, basalts, and anorthosites

2. Peridotite, dunite, serpentinite, Anorthitite, anorthisitic gabbro and highly altered gabbro (amphibolite) Ontario Geological Survey

3. Allaline Gabbro (Allalinite) Additional Functions

4. Pyroxene and feldspar are the major minerals in basalt and gabbro.

5. These rocks occur as small dikes or isolated veins within cumulus gabbros.

6. Rocks of the Batholith range from undersaturated gabbros through to felsic granites, but …

7. Almandines are semi-precious gems found in metamorphic, diorite, and gabbro stone layers.

8. Allalinite Saussuritgabbro m, Allalinit m [ Gabbro mit zersetztem Mineralbestand]

9. According to the scientists, the biggest process active on Earth is the intrusion of gabbros.

10. 6 Even foliated metamorphic rocks and banded gabbro can be curved to form folds.

11. The granophyres and less weathered acidic rocks are moderately strong while the gabbros are the weakest materials.

12. Field relationships confirm the contemporaneity of the basic (anorthosite and gabbro) and acidic (syenite and granite) rocks.

13. They also contain tholeiitic gabbro xenoliths, which, as a suite, have a continuum of mineral compositions — clinopyroxene Mg#s 83–74, orthopyroxene Mg#s 83–76, and plagioclase An69–35 (e.g., includes andesine gabbro).

14. Description: Baddeleyite is a rare zirconium oxide found in a variety of environments, including kimberlite, syenite and gabbro

15. The gabbro intrusions and adjoining pillow lavas and dykes are already part of the older alpine (ophiolitic) stage.

16. Amphibolite is a rock in which "Basalt" or "Gabbro" has changed

17. ¶To enhance the ability to distinguish tholeiitic from alkalic magma parentages by mineral compositions, I determined trace-element abundances in plagioclase separated from xenolithic gabbros of Mauna Kea volcano. These gabbros have origins in tholeiitic and alkalic magmas of the Hamakua postshield stage of Mauna Kea volcanism.

18. Augite is a rock-forming mineral that is most often found in igneous rocks like diorite, andesite, gabbro, and basalt

19. Compositional layering and mineral orientations marked by spinel clusters in the dunites and by acicular amphiboles in the marginal gabbros are parallel to the contacts.

20. Gabbroic Anorthosite to anorthositic gabbro (Anorthosite series, Duluth Complex, Mesoproterozoic, 1099 Ma; Merritt Creek West Skyline Parkway roadcut, Duluth

21. Augite is an important rock-forming mineral in many igneous rocks, especially in gabbros and basalts, and is also found in some hydrothermal metamorphic rocks

22. Anorthite is an essential constituent of many basic igneous rocks, such as gabbro and basalt, also of some meteoric stones

23. Aureole is a ring around an igneous intrusion. Deep magma bodies cool very slowly and turn into coarse-grained, plutonic rocks like granite and gabbro

24. Augite is a rock-forming mineral that commonly occurs in mafic and intermediate igneous rocks such as basalt, gabbro, andesite, and diorite

25. Whereas most of the complex consists of salic rocks (syenites, nepheline syenites and alkali granites) a spectrum of intermediate rock types (monzonites, monzodiorites and alkali diorites) grades to alkali gabbros.

26. Amphiboles are components of many igneous and metamorphic mountain rocks (hornblende gabbro, diorite, amphibolite, and others) and occasionally are the only constituent (hornblendite, amphibolitic shales)

27. When postshield hawaiite magmas subsequently entered reservoirs, alkalic-tholeiitic hybridization occurred; the resulting `complex' mixture of hawaiite+tholeiitic hybrids resorbed andesine and clinopyroxene crystals and, upon eruption, entrained xenoliths of gabbro.

28. Mesosiderites are stony irons in which the rocky material is a polymict breccia of crustal rock from a differentiated body – basalt, gabbro, pyroxenite, dunite, and Anorthosite

29. Augite, the most common pyroxene mineral (a silicate of calcium, magnesium, iron, titanium, and aluminum). It occurs chiefly as thick, tabular crystals in basalts, gabbros, andesites, and various other dark-coloured igneous rocks

30. Gabbro composes 96% of the adumbration. Leucogranite and syenite make up the remainder and are confined to an uppermost layer no more than about 1 km thick.

31. The post-kinematic intrusion comprises units with a wide compositional range from anorthositic gabbro to alkali-feldspar granite and syenite and widely exhibits megascopic fabrics recording magma comingling and mixing.

32. Inc. and Peter Haring, with 2375 claims, in the central regions of the belt. In western Labrador, Consolidated Abaddon Resources Inc. completed airborne geophysical surveys and ground follow-up of anomalous areas on its Sims Lake and Gabbro Lake properties.

33. Still further in the southeast (around Todtmoos) is a range of exotic inclusions: gabbro from Ehrsberg, serpentinites and pyroxenites near Todtmoos, norite near Horbach), which are possibly the remnants of an accretionary wedge from a continental collision.

34. K–Ar and Rb–Sr dates ranging from 101 ± 2 to 158 ± 6 Ma are reviewed to arrive at an absolute minimum age of 115–119 Ma and probable age of 125 ± 5 Ma for the Axelgold Gabbro, consistent with geologic evidence.

35. Basaltic Basalt Gabbro 45-55 SiO2 %, high in Fe, Mg, Ca, low in K, Na 1000 - 1200 oC Low Low Intermediate or Andesitic Andesite Diorite 55-65 SiO2 %, intermediate in Fe, Mg, Ca, Na, K 800 - 1000 oC Intermediate Intermediate Felsic or Rhyolitic Rhyolite Granite 65-75 SiO2 %, low in Fe, Mg, Ca, high in K, Na 650 - 800 oC High High Origin of Magma

36. The Anorthosite-mangerite-charnockite-granite (AMCG) suite of rocks in North America is typically regarded as an association of two rock suites that are coeval but not comagmatic (Emslie et al., 1994; McLelland et al., 1994; Bickford et al., in press).The Anorthosite suite is regarded as consisting of comagmatic Anorthosite, leucogabbro, and gabbro, plus OGN and OAGN, while the mangerite suite